On 11/25/2015 03:13 PM, Andrew Ayer wrote:
>> The April release contained the 2.4 bundle from Mozilla. CA bundle 2.5
>> was recently released in NSS and an upload to unstable is being
>> prepped.

I was incorrect about the NSS release relative time being as recent as I
recalled. See below.

> I'm not sure what these version numbers are.  NSS 3.19.3 was released
> on August 7 and removed 5 CAs[1].  So why no release of ca-certificates
> until now?
> [1] 
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/mozilla.dev.tech.crypto/CIrDdx1e9EI

A ca-certificates version 2.5 example - it's contained in
mozilla/nssckbi.h in the ca-certificates package repo:

Thanks for the mailing list link. I follow the NSS mercurial repository
commits via RSS and check for merges from NSS dev to firefox release
repos. Looks like I checked on 10/22 to see if 2.5 was in the release
tree, but it was not, yet. The release tree I'm checking against is for
firefox releases, so this would be the real-world majority of users
getting CA updates. I started checking against actual firefox releases
after the 1024-bit removal, reinstatement, removal again issues.. I
don't think that cycle ever made it to a firefox release.

"- would be nice if they would release NSS sometime soon with this

Obviously, it looks like I'll need to figure out a different way to
track releases if we want to be spot-on with NSS releases. Yet another
mailing list might be the only answer..

Feel free to add a BTS report when new NSS versions are released.

Thanks again for the feedback.

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