El dj 14 de 07 de 2016 a les 07:40 +0100, Adam D. Barratt va escriure:
> For avoidance of doubt, "this user" appears to be you. I'm not sure
> why you didn't just say that.

"This user" is me, Javier Serrano Polo. I was abstracting the problem
from the specific user (me).

El dj 14 de 07 de 2016 a les 10:08 +0200, Alexander Wirt va escriure:
> I don't think that it is acceptable to write a mail in that way and to make
> the impression that you are asking for someone else.

Sorry for the confusion. Although my question was about generic "banned
users", the example user is me. I hope you believe that I was not asking
for someone else when the first link says "jav...@jasp.net", which is my

> That, together with the reason for what you have been banned for (mails like
> [1]) don't make me think that lifting the ban is a good idea.

I would like to contextualize the message [1]. It was sent on the feast
of the holy innocents [2] (it is in Spanish, I cannot find a good
English resource).

I sent that message. I was just trying to help and I thought I was doing
the right thing. I am trying to move forward and continue helping. I can
explain myself again and answer all your questions about what I did. But
I did not open this bug report to talk about the past or to question the
listmaster (Alex) that banned me; I understand that listmasters do their
role as best as they can. I am here to talk about my future behavior.

I made jokes that some people did not like. It is easy for me to not
make any more jokes. I believe that banned users should have a way to
redeem themselves and make positive contributions. IMHO, I think I
deserve an opportunity; is there something I can do?

> That is my personal oppinion as listmaster. Lets see what other listmaster
> have to say.

Alex, your opinion is important to me. I would like to know if I have
convinced you that you can give me a chance.


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