On 2016-08-11 12:29, Jochen Sprickerhof wrote:
Where is ${std_msgs_DATAROOTDIR} defined?

Nowhere at the moment, I was hoping to find it in some CMake config
file. ;)

So maybe a cmake script would be useful after all :).

Another reason why I would like a cmake config file installed with the
package and not a Findstd_msgs.cmake file in my projects is to be able
to check the version... At some point, perhaps, some message might be
added, removed, or modified, and I would like to be able to pass the
version to find_package and be sure that the version found is compatible
with the one I require.
But perhaps this is something that should be fixed upstream (i.e. in
catkin)? I'm not sure if it is still in development or if it is frozen
though, since for ROS2 they are using a different tool.

> Maybe we will need some more dependencies
> (or recommends) on this package, like for rosmsg for example and we
> should add it to the ros-core-dev meta package. What do you think?

I agree.

Could you go ahead and add it?


Perhaps also the libstd-msgs-dev package should recommend it?

Not sure here, does it change the usability of libstd-msgs-dev somehow
(didn't test)?

From the tests I made, I couldn't find any difference, the messages are
probably used only to produce the bindings, but they are useless for ROS
user after.
So perhaps "Recommends" is too much. Maybe "Suggests"? Or maybe

Perhaps should we add an extra meta package ros-core-msgs?

Though about it as well, do you have a use case for it? Otherwise I
wouldn't do it.

I cannot think of any at the moment, so let's not add it.
Eventually if we can think about a good reason, it can be added in the

Should I go on and do the same for the other message packages?

Yes please :). Once we are fine with it, I will upload the new packages
(note that we have to go through the new queue).

Perfect, I'll work on that as soon as possible then, but I'll be on
holiday until Tuesday though, so it will have to wait for a few days...


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