❦  7 novembre 2016 16:45 +1030, Ron <r...@debian.org> :

> I've always given time to anyone who took the time to understand and
> showed an interest and willingness to try something new to improve
> this. And it's clear that the person who gave the most recent (and
> best) feedback to the original bug found it easy enough to clearly
> understand the situation from what was already written there:
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=574947#190

A message that received absolutely no answer (and quite similar to the
other reports: doesn't work with current version, works with the new
upstream version, kthxbye).

> Vincent brought this here after contributing nothing more constructive
> or indicative of understanding than stamping his feet and insisting
> "I want a new upstream and I want it now.  And I want someone else
> to do the work".

"Now" was three years ago. My last message in the above bug report [0]
was also received with a silence on your side. There are 15 people in
the thread asking for a new upstream version. Several of them proposed
patches to package a new version. None of them get an answer from
you. Nobody will help debug an issue and build a patch on an 8 year old
software while there are new versions available.

[0]: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=574947#171
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