On Tue, Nov 08, 2016 at 04:56:40PM +0000, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Ian Jackson writes ("Re: Bug#841294: Overrule maintainer of "global" to 
> package a new upstream version"):
> > I made this timeline to show how Ron thinks it is appropriate to deal
> > with this package.
> > 
> >     Messages to #574947 and #816924, combined
> >     Each # is one email
> >     Each P is one email containing a patch or link to updated package
> >     Each U is one upload
> I should say that this timeline drastically _under_represents the
> change in Ron's engagement with the technical problems in this
> package, following TC referral.
> Many of his copious mails in the TC thread are each in themselves
> longer than _all his pre-TC mails on this topic combined_ !

It's ok, we get it.  You've got an axe to grind, and boy are the sparks
flying off it thick and hot!

The volume of private mail I've expended, over a much longer period than
is in than is in the public archives, at trying to find a resolution to
this dwarfs anything here too - so you might understand why I'm a little
tired of repeating it to people who are bringing nothing to the table.
Or why I didn't repeat it again to people who opened duplicates of the
original BTS thread.

So please just go take a cold shower or something, instead of wasting
everyone's time bloating this thread with hysterical foaming and
misrepresentation of what I actually said, and what people actually
need, that is irrelevant to us deciding _what_ the best compromise is
for what should be in any future package of this software.

I'm sure there's plenty of other even older bugs in the BTS which haven't
been fixed yet that you could spend some of your overzealousness on if
you're that desperate to vent your rage on things you've never contributed
to, or used, or taken the time to understand.

Unless you're just trying to bury the embarrassment of your previous
hasty post under a mountain of stuff people's eyes will glaze over on.
In which case, knock yourself out.  I guess.  It's your permanent record.

But I've got Real Work to do, and we've got a release freeze looming,
and wasting time on being bullied by you isn't helping any of that.

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