On Nov 07 2016, Ron <r...@debian.org> wrote:
>> In my opinion, the fact that you had no time for this issue for multiple
>> years, but are now able to send a large number of long emails about it
>> to the ctte does not speak in your favor.
> I'm sorry, remind me again about where and what you have ever tried
> to offer that would be of value to resolving this which I didn't
> respond to?
> Because I've had countless detailed discussions with people who have,
> and I don't recall you ever being part of any of that.


> I've taken the time to repeat this all again now, because regardless
> of how it got here, I actually have some faith in the new face of the
> TC as a forum for building 'project wide' consensus around hard problems.
> Having read all of that, Phil has now asked me to propose a concrete
> alternative to what he suggested, which I did. And I think the important
> difference is that we have the opportunity to build a consensus here
> which includes a good proportion of impartial and non-partisan voices who
> weighed up all the options like I've been doing.

It seems you're only interested in impartial and non-partisan voices
when they happen to back your position. I am impartial and non-partisan,
and formed my opinion by reading the bugs and your emails. If you indeed
welcome opinions from people like me, your statements above are a little


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