On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 12:36:57PM +0100, Fabian Greffrath wrote:
> I think I'd rather move the package back to the contrib section but keep
> all four games as binary packages.

One solution that would be a minor PITA but would work going forward would be

 * delete the other games from chocolate-doom source so it's only c-d (main)
 * create a new source package for all the contrib stuff

In fact I think that's the only solution that has a chance of working for
stretch IMHO. The second package will need a trip through NEW (the first might
too, can't recall whether this is necessary for removing binary packages) and
the block would need removing manually and perhaps other clean-up needed too.

As I think more and more about it I think this might be the only option for
Stretch. I've no idea if this dak bug will ever get fixed, it's quite possible
that instead the ftp team will simply rule that source packages are not allowed
to generate binary packages in more than one suite.

Jonathan Dowland

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