Goog morning Yuri,

On 2016-12-30 07:05:14 Yury V. Zaytsev hacked into the keyboard:
> Well, you have upgraded a system with a very outdated mc, but
> apparently mc itself wasn't upgraded, and now it broke your mc as a
> side-effect and you are asking what could be the problem?

There is NO-WAY for me installing Debian 8 because of systemd which does
not work for me.

> To be honest, no idea, the upgraded packages seem to be mostly
> irrelevant to the matter. It seems that you have some problem with a
> terminal emulator or how keys are delivered to the console
> applications... check that other applications like vim are still ok,
> remember whether you have changed anything in this area, see which
> sequences are delivered in cat.

The problem is not only in xterm, but also on the console.

I use fvwm2 with an unchanged configuration for 2 years now and  it  was
the update which killed mc

> >Any suggestions what could happen to my system? I searched now 3
> >days without success!
> First you can find out whether it's a user profile problem or a
> system-wide problem by creating a new user and running mc in there.

I will come back to you

Michelle Konzack        ITSystems
GNU/Linux Developer     0033-6-61925193

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