On 2017-11-06 12:11+0100, Sébastien Villemot wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 06, 2017 at 11:52:43AM +0100, Félix Sipma wrote:
>> On 2017-11-06 11:17+0100, Sébastien Villemot wrote:
>>> Why experimental and not unstable? Is the new version of the plugin
>>> incompatible with Zotero 4? If yes, then that should be reflected in
>>> dependencies (but then it's probably too early to upload it).
>> It is not compatible with Zotero 4, as the Zotero part of the libreoffice
>> extension is now plugged in zotero-standalone. The package just installs the
>> libreoffice part. I've updated the control file to reflect this. OK, so we'll
>> wait until having a zotero-standalone 5 package ready. I think having the new
>> firefox extension ready should not be a blocker, though (in the case we don't
>> have the tools ready to package it in time).
> Ok.
>> Concerning the zotero-standalone package, I guess it would be easier to also
>> start from the beginning for the new package, as it was completely reworked.
>> You still have no objection in me doing so?
> Please go ahead. Don't hesitate to revamp the packaging, what matters is to 
> get
> something functional and easy to maintain.
> Thanks,

I misunderstood the 5.0 refactoring, zotero still has to be built from three
repos, only the client part (https://github.com/zotero/zotero) was refactored
to use npm/node (and so, needs js libs to get packaged). So, I guess the
packaging repo should stay as it is for now, and be refactored if upstream
decides to merge everything in a single repo.

Could you please share your workflow for updating the package?

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