On 2017-11-07 12:52+0100, Sébastien Villemot wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 07, 2017 at 12:38:36PM +0100, Félix Sipma wrote:
>> Do you want to help me packaging some node-* libs (I guess there will be 
>> enough
>> for several people :-))? Again, I'm sure we'll be able to package the firefox
>> extension again once the mozext team will have dealt with webextensions.
> Well, I have basically zero knowledge of NodeJS, and am not very interested in
> contributing to the Debian Javascript Maintainers team.
> I am nevertheless ready to help, at least by sponsoring. And maybe also by
> crafting a few packages if there is a clear recipe somewhere (but ideally I
> would prefer not to be listed in the Uploaders).
> Do you have a dependency tree of libraries that are not in Debian?
> Note that many nodejs libraries are currently waiting in the NEW queue, and
> some others may be in the pipeline (basically for getting the new gitlab in
> Debian), so do not forget to check the NEW queue summary [1] and the WNPP
> database [2].
> [1] https://ftp-master.debian.org/new.html
> [2] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?pkg=wnpp;dist=unstable

Here is the list of packages which need to be packaged for zotero (some are
noted several times, I excluded the packaged already in the archive):

    node-react -> RFP 805376 
    node-react-dom -> TODO
    node-zotero-web-library -> TODO https://github.com/zotero/web-library.git
            node-babelify -> RFP 862751
            node-browserify -> node-browserify-lite? 
            node-chai -> TODO
            node-enzyme -> TODO
            node-fetch-mock -> TODO
            node-gulp -> OK gulp
            node-gulp-babili -> TODO
            node-gulp-connect -> TODO
            node-gulp-if -> TODO
            node-gulp-minify-css -> TODO
            node-gulp-rename -> TODO
            node-gulp-sass -> TODO
            node-react-test-renderer -> TODO
            node-redux-mock-store -> TODO
            node-sinon -> "^3.2.1"
            node-vinyl-buffer -> TODO
            node-vinyl-source-stream -> TODO
            node-watchify -> TODO
            node-babel-regenerator-runtime -> TODO
            node-classnames -> TODO
            node-floatthead -> TODO
            node-history -> TODO
            node-jquery -> "^2.2.4"
            node-lodash.omit -> OK node-lodash-packages
            node-prop-types -> TODO
            node-react -> RFP 805376
            node-react-dom -> TODO
            node-react-keydown -> TODO
            node-react-redux -> TODO
            node-react-router -> TODO
            node-react-select -> TODO
            node-react-tinymce -> TODO
            node-redux -> TODO
            node-redux-async-queue -> TODO
            node-redux-promise -> TODO
            node-redux-router -> TODO
            node-redux-thunk -> TODO
            node-tinymce -> TODO
            node-w3c-xmlhttprequest -> TODO
            node-zotero-api-client -> TODO 
                node-isomorphic-fetch -> TODO
            node-zotero-api-client-cache -> TODO 
                node-zotero-api-client -> TODO
        node-babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs -> TODO
        node-browserify -> node-browserify-lite?
        node-chai -> TODO
        node-chai-as-promised -> TODO
        node-co-mocha -> TODO
        node-eslint-plugin-react -> TODO
        node-sass -> TODO

Concerning packaging of nodejs modules, I'm new in this task, too.
https://wiki.debian.org/Javascript/Nodejs points to

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