Source: lintian
Version: 2.5.66

I think it's time for Lintian to warn about Vcs fields other than Git.

It looks like this was mentioned at but
no separate bug was filed for it. That bug points to . I think
the impression there was that it wasn't important enough to add to
lintian then.

An important difference now is that the Debian project plans to stop
offering any active VCS hosting except for git soon.

Here's some wording suggestions. Feel free to modify.

Modify vcs-field-bitrotted (warning)
Any * repo except

All version control system hosting provided by Debian is expected to
become read-only on 1 May 2018 except for git hosting at . For more information, see .

Add vcs-field-other-than-git (warning or info)

After 1 May 2018, Debian will not offer any version control system
hosting other than git. While maintainers are free to use other
version control systems hosted elsewhere, most potential contributors
are familiar with git.

Jeremy Bicha

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