On Mon, Jan 1, 2018 at 1:49 AM, Russ Allbery <r...@debian.org> wrote:
> I would hold off on complaining about anonscm.  I'm pretty sure someone
> will find a way to keep it going and redirecting, similar to the intention
> with the mailing lists.

Should we warn now about any non-git vcs hosted at Debian?

Because even if there are redirects, it would be a bit wrong to have
Vcs-Svn actually point to a git repo…

> (I host most of mine on my own infrastructure), and if someone wants to
> use Bzr or Subversion, I'm not sure that Lintian nagging them is going to
> change their mind.

What about QA packages? Maybe those at least should be using git
hosted with Debian.

Jeremy Bicha

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