control: owner -1 !
control: tag -1 +moreinfo

Hi Andrius,

Thank you for the package. Here are some nitpicking about your package:

1. There seems to be ruby binding available, why isn't it packaged?

2. control: Your -dev package should also depend on the lib package.
    Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libsymspg1 (= ${binary:Version})

    The python package should depend on it too.

3. libsymspg1.install :

   usr/lib/ usr/lib
   usr/lib/ usr/lib

   wildcard is allowed in install files. The above two lines can be
reduced to one

   usr/lib/*    usr/lib

   Apart from that, this looks a bit weird:
   DEBIAN/symbols DEBIAN

   You can first create an empty file debian/libsymspg1.symbols, then
   build the package. You will get a patch for updating this symbols file.
   After applying the patch, don't forget to remove the debian revision
   in the version number :-)

4. the install file of -dev package could be simplified

usr/include usr
usr/lib/libsymspg.a usr/lib

can be simplified to


debhelper would assume your destination installation path is
the same as the source path, when destination is omitted.

5.  I'd suggest you install the library in the multiarch directory.
for example /usr/lib/$(dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)

There are many ways to install the* in the multiarch directory.
One of them, for example, is to write a install file like this:

usr/lib/ usr/lib/##DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH##/

and we need to replace that placeholder in rules, for exmple

    sed -i -e "s@##DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH##@$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)@g" libfoo1.install

6. tests: your autopkgtest testsuite failed:

Please let me know if you have any question on these points :-)
You don't have to frequently dput to mentors, because I'll directly check
the packaging repo

Have a good day!


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