On Sat, Feb 12, 2022 at 06:51:26PM +0100, Mihai Moldovan wrote:

> I can offer a workaround, though: the installing user (probably root?) should
> have an .rpmdb directory in its home directory. After creating the initial
> chroot, IN THE CHROOT, move this directory (/root/.rpmdb, if I remember
> correctly) to /var/lib/rpm and execute /usr/bin/rpmdb --rebuilddb. Afterwards,
> all installed packages should be accounted for in the chroot.

That's even better, then: it becomes a matter of documenting the
procedure to bootstrap an rpm-based distro from Debian: I can test it
and produce a draft HOWTO.

Does this mean that boostrapping one rpm-based distro on another one
(like, bootstrapping a fedora34 on a fedora32 system) would require the
same workaround?

> I apologize for the mess, but accounting for the already-broken RPM package 
> was
> all I could do for the initial packaging of DNF.

I don't think there's anything to apologise for, and thanks for taking
care of these packages!

I wonder if I've just made a 1:1 conceptual mapping between debootstrap
and this feature of dnf, and set expectations for the tool that the tool
isn't intended to provide for.


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