On Sat, Feb 12, 2022 at 08:51:01PM +0100, Enrico Zini wrote:

> That's even better, then: it becomes a matter of documenting the
> procedure to bootstrap an rpm-based distro from Debian: I can test it
> and produce a draft HOWTO.

I tested, and I confirm that this works:

   dnf -c "$CONFFILE" -y --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=chroot-base 
--disableplugin=* \
       --installroot="$DESTDIR" --releasever="$VERSION" install
   if [ -d "$DESTDIR/root/.rpmdb" ]; then
       rm -rf "$DESTDIR/var/lib/rpm"
       mv "$DESTDIR/root/.rpmdb" "$DESTDIR/var/lib/rpm"
       systemd-nspawn -D "$DESTDIR" -- /usr/bin/rpmdb --rebuilddb

I wonder where would be the right place to document this. README.Debian


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