On Fri, 23 Sep 2022 01:03:28 +0200, Guillem Jover wrote:

> In the end nothing will match exactly, and we need to choose some
> terminology. In this case, as previously mentioned, «stanza» has the
> good properties of not usually applying to prose, being short, distinct
> from the other terms and the less ambiguous of them all. It also makes
> constructing sentences to describe things less cumbersome.

FWIW, and knowing this is not a popularity vote, as yet another
non-native speaker-with a different first language-I also like
"stanza" and agree with Guillem's arguments.

Additionally I'd like to mention that also some software uses this


(That's dh-make-perl and libdebian-copyright-perl. Also
libparse-debcontrol-perl talks about "stanzas" in its documentation.)


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