Hi Russ and Gregor,

thanks for your feedback,

I think that I made most of the points I was thinking about and hope
that some of them related to Simple English and jargon can be useful in
the future.  I also understand your point of view.  One final comment I
would like to make is that the format is used in other contexts, such as
Apt (using "paragraph" in https://wiki.debian.org/DebianRepository/Format),
DEP-11 (using "block" in https://wiki.debian.org/DEP-11), and probably
other files generated for the Debian archive.  I recommend to keep
producers and consumers of these files in the loop before changing
Chapter 5.  As for on which word to standardise on, I trust the Policy
Editors to make a good choice, even if it is not my favourite.

Have a nice week-end,


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