Hi Andrius,

Thanks for the guideline, it was very helpful! I fixed several things.

I think that my package is now ready to be published. Where can I ask for sponsorship?


On 26/09/2022 4:19 pm, Andrius Merkys wrote:
Hi Evgeny,

On 2022-09-26 16:49, Evgeny Posenitskiy wrote:
Thanks! Following the Upstream Guide I should probably precise the

  - I forgot to provide a link to the the distribution tarball of trexio
2.2.0 produced by `make distcheck`:

  - For the dependencies, I did not mention that HDF5 library is already
available in apt as `libhdf5-dev`.

Good, thanks.

The most usual workflow in Debichem Team is to create packaging
repositories on salsa.debian.org using git-buildpackage workflow and
then ask for sponsorship. I have prepared a small step-by-step tutorial
according to my personal practice, you may follow it if you wish:


An alternative may be to keep debian/ directory in the original upstream
repository, but I do not know if/how this is done. I am the upstream of
some of packages in Debian and I choose the salsa.debian.org approach.

Hope this helps,

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