Hi Andrius,

Thanks for your reply and for your help!

Right. Since autoconf-generated files are removed and regenerated during
build, a cleanroom approach of dropping them from the tarball looks
tempting to me. To do so, one can introduce Files-Excluded stanza in
debian/copyright to have these files excluded. But this is not
mandatory, your package is fine as it is now.

Thanks for the explanation. Let's leave it as is for now.

Regarding the lintian errors, I have not observed the ones that you reported on my machine. Just in case, I have lintian v2.62.0ubuntu2.1. The 2 warnings that I had and decided to ignore before uploading on Salsa:

W: libtrexio-dev: improbable-bug-number-in-closes 1020772
W: libtrexio0: improbable-bug-number-in-closes 1020772

I could not reproduce your errors, so I apply the changes as you proposed.

4. lintian errors about source-is-missing for HTML files. If these files are not generated from some precursor inputs, then this warning is false positive and should be silenced using lintian override. You may take [1]
for example. If these files are generated, then it would be better to
exclude them from the tarball and regenerate during build.

It's a bit tricky since both the source and the documentation files are generated from the Emacs org-mode files. This is why we ship the final HTMLs in the tarball. Re-generating them from source code is not possible, moreover it would require the package to depend on the Emacs (and the htmlize.el module), which is not desirable. I added the following in lintian-overrides as follows (let me know if the path is wrong):

libtrexio source: source-is-missing [share/doc/trexio/tutorial_benzene.html]

7. Vcs-* fields in debian/control should point to correct URLs on salsa.

I modified the Vcs fields with the URLs pointing to the debichem-team namespace (as in [2] from your e-mail).

8. In debian/changelog: UNRELEASED -> unstable

This change actually leads to a lintian error on my machine:

E: libtrexio changes: bad-distribution-in-changes-file unstable

I have changed it anyway but let me know if it should be rolled back.


On 30/09/2022 7:35 am, Andrius Merkys wrote:
Hi Evgeny,

On 2022-09-29 18:18, Evgeny Posenitskiy wrote:
Thank you for the prompt and detailed reply!

Thanks for prompt action! I will omit parts of your reply that are done.

3. I see your debian/copyright is very detailed. This is not a
disadvantage, but maintaining such level of details takes much time. For
your package it might be enough to just have the following:

In the past, I followed the debmake manual from the Debian website
and the detailed copyright file was produced somewhere along the way.

Don't get me wrong, detailed is usually better than not. However, very
detailed debian/copyright might be difficult to maintain moving forward.
I almost never mention autoconf-generated files in debian/copyright.

I applied your changes, so now there is the BSD-3 license on all files
except the ax_lib_hdf5.m4 and ax_pkg_swig.n4 macros which I copied from
the Autoconf archive. If you think that these licences can be removed
too - please let me know and I will do it.

Thanks, I think debian/copyright is fine as is now.

In fact, it might be good to exclude them from the distribution tarball
altogether as they are regenerated from source anyway.

The Autoconf files were placed in the tarball automatically, I have not
written any additional macros for that.
In general, I trust Autotools when it comes to the distribution tarballs. However, if you think that Autoconf-generated files should be removed -
please let me know.

Right. Since autoconf-generated files are removed and regenerated during
build, a cleanroom approach of dropping them from the tarball looks
tempting to me. To do so, one can introduce Files-Excluded stanza in
debian/copyright to have these files excluded. But this is not
mandatory, your package is fine as it is now.

Some additional comments after building your package:

4. lintian errors about source-is-missing for HTML files. If these files are not generated from some precursor inputs, then this warning is false positive and should be silenced using lintian override. You may take [1]
for example. If these files are generated, then it would be better to
exclude them from the tarball and regenerate during build.

5. lintian warns about extended-description-contains-empty-paragraph.
This means you should remove the initial description line which consists
of a single '.' (for both binary packages)

6. Since you are willing to team-maintain the package in Debichem,
debian/control has to show it in Maintainer and Uploaders fields. You
may look at [2].

7. Vcs-* fields in debian/control should point to correct URLs on salsa.

8. In debian/changelog: UNRELEASED -> unstable

And that's about it. Having these issues fixed, the package can be uploaded.

[2] https://sources.debian.org/src/promod3/3.2.1%2Bds-5/debian/control/


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