Hi Andrius,

Thank you for the prompt reply.

Please fix the remaining issue with lintian overrides. After that I will
upload the package to NEW.

Done, thank a lot for debugging the issues! Looking forward to apt-get-ing the libtrexio :-)

One last question: I have noticed that some packages have the `watch` file. Does it automate synchronization with the upstream? I was thinking about the future updates of the package if/when we release a new version of the upstream library.


On 30/09/2022 3:36 pm, Andrius Merkys wrote:
Hi Evgeny,

On 2022-09-30 14:00, Evgeny Posenitskiy wrote:
Regarding the lintian errors, I have not observed the ones that you
reported on my machine. Just in case, I have lintian v2.62.0ubuntu2.1.
The 2 warnings that I had and decided to ignore before uploading on Salsa:

W: libtrexio-dev: improbable-bug-number-in-closes 1020772
W: libtrexio0: improbable-bug-number-in-closes 1020772

I could not reproduce your errors, so I apply the changes as you proposed.

Yes, this difference must be caused by mismatch of lintian versions. For
packaging we are supposed to use the newest versions as they are in
Debian sid (a.k.a. unstable). Thus I do not get
improbable-bug-number-in-closes, but I see source-is-missing.

4. lintian errors about source-is-missing for HTML files. If these files are not generated from some precursor inputs, then this warning is false positive and should be silenced using lintian override. You may take [1]
for example. If these files are generated, then it would be better to
exclude them from the tarball and regenerate during build.

It's a bit tricky since both the source and the documentation files are
generated from the Emacs org-mode files. This is why we ship the final
HTMLs in the tarball. Re-generating them from source code is not
possible, moreover it would require the package to depend on the Emacs
(and the htmlize.el module), which is not desirable. I added the
following in lintian-overrides as follows (let me know if the path is

 libtrexio source: source-is-missing

OK, adding lintian-overrides will do then. However, the way you have
added them now does not work. You should put the following:

libtrexio source: source-is-missing [docs/templator_front.html]
libtrexio source: source-is-missing [docs/templator_hdf5.html]
libtrexio source: source-is-missing [docs/templator_text.html]
libtrexio source: source-is-missing [docs/tutorial_benzene.html]

Notice 'docs/' instead of 'share/doc/trexio/' as we are supposed to put
paths inside the source tarball. Only these four files have to be
overridden, others are fine.

7. Vcs-* fields in debian/control should point to correct URLs on salsa.

I modified the Vcs fields with the URLs pointing to the debichem-team
namespace (as in [2] from your e-mail).

OK, these are fine now.

8. In debian/changelog: UNRELEASED -> unstable

This change actually leads to a lintian error on my machine:

E: libtrexio changes: bad-distribution-in-changes-file unstable

I have changed it anyway but let me know if it should be rolled back.

On my machine this is the expected value, but as said, I am doing builds
on Debian sid, as expected for Debian packaging.

Please fix the remaining issue with lintian overrides. After that I will
upload the package to NEW.


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