
One more clarifying question:

> > Thus a third thing the README could advise on is how Debian Developers and
> > Debian sysadmins are advised to build CI systems and test upgrade paths for
> > the next 10 years as what worked in the past 10 years does not apply as-is
> > anymore.
> People using CI systems will get an updated debootstrap in the next
> point release and everything will be fine.

Do you refer above to the next Bookworm point update (scheduled on Dec
9th according to https://release.debian.org/) or do you mean in
general that all CI upgrades tests will start working after the next
point release of both Bookworm and Bullseye and Buster?

I am currently struggling to grasp how I should get for example
MariaDB 10.5 / Buster to MariaDB 10.11 / Bookworm testing running
again as usrmerge 38 removed the workaround the CI was relying on.
Example of current CI run:
Are you saying that a point release of Buster is going to do something
that CI systems can continue to operate?

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