Hi Daniel,

> @2008-04-01 06:50 -0700:
> Thanks for the patch.

Thanks for your reply, and sorry for my delay in responding.

> Do you know any way to tell nxml-mode that it's editing a file
> that will be included into another XML file as an entity?

There's no way to do that, as far as I know.

> The manpage is set up to work that way for the convenience of
> translators, and it means that I lose the ability to have my editor
> validate against the schema (which would catch things like this).

When you say you lose the ability to have it validate against the
schema, do you mean the problem of it flagging all the entities
(&VERSION;, &aptitude;, etc.) as errors? (because of the issue of
the definitions for those entities being not being in the
manpage.xml file itself, but in the parent XML file).

If that's the main issue, I realize that's a problem but it seems
like it doesn't completely prevent you from being able to do
validated editing of the manpage.xml file in nxml-mode.

What I mean is, nxml-mode will still flag any other errors in the
manpage.xml file. If I open the (unpatched) manpage.xml file in
nxml-mode, with the schema set to DocBook, and I try to add text
somewhere after a listitem (without a para or simpara), it does
immediately flag it as an error. So it seems like it does actually
still give you the ability to catch that kind of error in real
time as you're editing the file (in spite of the file not being a
"standalone" document).


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