On Wed, 4 Jun 2008 15:50:29 +0200
Guus Sliepen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Also, is there anything special about the account of the user "smart"?
> If you have other non-root users on that machine, can you check if rsh
> fails with the same errors?

All my users are the same (ldap with NFS home) could that cause a problem? 

Loren A. Linden Levy
Department of Physics 
390 UCB 
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO   80309-0390
Tel:   303-735-6146 (CU) / +049 040 8998 4789 (DESY) 
Fax:   303-492-3352 (CU) / +049 040 8998 4034 (DESY) 
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url:   http://up.colorado.edu/~lindenle
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