also sprach Jonas Smedegaard <> [2009.02.27.1743 +0100]:
> Please consider shipping the attached CDBS snippet with topgit:
>  1) install it as /usr/share/cdbs/1/

Thanks for the bug report!

I'll cut you a deal: I'll do this if you write me a brief
README.quilt for inclusion, which explains how to use topgit and
cdbs, ideally with an example and in a way that allows people to
figure out what happens when and why. I would find this very useful.

>  2) have the binary "topgit" package suggest cdbs

I will have to think about that. TopGit is not about Debian
packaging, but cdbs is. I am not sure I like this relation, but
I will think about it.

> Including my proposed snippet does not exactly solve this bug, but it
> turns it into a less severe one:
> CDBS use majuscles (capital letters) for variables allowed to be changed
> and minuscles for "internal" variables (i.e. possibly shared across
> snippets but not for the packages to redefine).
> The current need for the snippet to declare PATCHES_DIR is
> confusing as it might wrongly be seen as an invitation for overriding.

Hm. Stefano analysed the situation by saying:

  However, CDBS users do not reqly on quilt.make, but rather on
  /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/ , which neither include
  quilt.make nor provide the same "API" by the means of

I am a little uninclined to address this in TopGit. Why doesn't
patchsys-quilt emulate the "API" properly?

Also, cdbs uses majuscles for editable stuff, and miniscules for
internal stuff? That's *exactly* the opposite from how I learnt to
code (though not necessarily how I code these days), which is to use
capitals for constants and lowercase for everything else. The point
is that adopting cdbs style on this might just cause a conflict

Instead, I think this might best be addressed with a comment before
the PATCHES_DIR variable, which explains what it's for and when it
can be changed and what the user has to consider. Agreed?

> should probably have the package suggest quilt as well, but
> that really is a separate issue - and I am too eager to play some
> more with TopGit to file a separate bugreport about it :-P

Consider that done with commit 6d8cb97.;a=commitdiff;h=6d8cb9730c6ec32fd56d8b0eb254ac0f835ec475

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madd...@d.o>      Related projects:
: :'  :  proud Debian developer     
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