Hi all,

(I'm not sure it's needed to get everybody yelling.)

Norbert Preining <prein...@logic.at> (20/12/2009):
> And your statement "a package manager cannot proceed ..." is again
> simply plain wrong. It *IS* working, do
>       apt-get dist-upgrade
> and it works. What are you talking about? Only because cupt is not
> able ... (see next paragraph)

I can confirm both apt-get and aptitude can handle the situation. This
can be replicated as follows:
 1. debootstrap squeeze
 2. install tex-common and texlive-common there
 3. switch sources.list from squeeze to sid
 4. $pm install tex-common texlive-common

cupt then fails with the same error message as in my original
bugreport (with a slightly updated version number for one package).

> Sorry, since when is cupt the default package manager? AFAIR the
> last time I checked APT is the reference implementation, and it
> works.

Being the default package manager has little to do here. What matters
is correctness. (Look at the various situations where apt-get — or
aptitude — can't find a solution where one exists. That doesn't make
apt-get — or aptitude — right.)

If I were to be a package manager, I guess I could decide to remove
(temporarily) one of those packages, upgrade the other one, and then
install the former in this new version. And it looks like that's what
apt-get does:
| r...@kbsd:/# apt-get install -s tex-common texlive-common|egrep 
'tex(|live)-common'|egrep -v '^[[:space:]]'
| Remv tex-common [1.20] [texlive-common ]
| Inst texlive-common [2007.dfsg.2-4] (2009-4 Debian:unstable) []
| Inst tex-common [1.20] (2.03 Debian:unstable)
| Conf tex-common (2.03 Debian:unstable)
| Conf texlive-common (2009-4 Debian:unstable)

I'm not sure there's anything which speaks against doing so.


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