Norbert Preining <> (20/12/2009):
> So what do you suggest? Adding Breaks instead of Conflicts? The
> facts are that we cannot have tex-common >= 2 with old TeX Live, and
> at the same time new TeX Live with old tex-common, both are
> combinations ripe for breakage.

I didn't suggest anything, I barely proposed a way for everyone
needing to take a look to reproduce the issue I was having. You
know, like a bug reporter is supposed to do: “here's exactly how
I encountered the bug, and how you can reproduce it”.

> cupt *should* be able to deal with these situations, they for sure
> happened already several other times (I didn't verify, but I guess
> that one of the big X, Gnome, KDE transitions had similar problems).

If I formulated my previous mail properly, I think that this was my

> > Being the default package manager has little to do here. What
> > matters is correctness. (Look at the various situations where
> > apt-get — or
> Yes, and the Conflicts we have *are* correct. What is not correct is
> cupt as it does not find the solution to upgrade both removing one
> temporarily.

Again, if I properly wrote what I had in mind, I didn't say you
weren't correct with those Conflicts. I challenged your justification.

Anyway, we share the same conclusions AFAICT.


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