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Am 19.09.2014 um 00:08 schrieb David L. Craig:

> Installed Beta 1 D-I amd64 netinst without mirror or
> standard utils in preparation for dist-upgrade to Sid
> using aptitude with sources.list:
> deb sid main
> udev and aptitude reported replacing 208-6.
> udev fails first during configure after systemd incurs
> systemd-journald.service watchdog timeout!

> Next systemd fails to configure, then cron does the same.

What were the exact error messages you got?
Please provide the dpkg log and the output from journalctl -alb

> At the conclusion of dist-upgrade, all three are broken
> and reportbug cannot be force installed.

> In single, used aptitude to uninstall systemd-sysv and
> install systemd-shim, enabling all other updates to
> install nominally.

When in single user mode, did you also try to run "dpkg --configure -a"
or apt-get -f install to fix the broken package state?

> Platform is a virtual machine under current Sid using
> qemu and kvm on a quad-core Intel.  That system incurred
> a similar outcome from its daily update roughly 12 hours
> previously and recovered with the same remediation used
> for the virtual machine.

If this is a virtual machine, do you have snapshot from before the
upgrade and if so, can you reproduce the problem?

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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