Dear all,

I am just back from vacation and sorry for my silence during last week.

On 20/04/16 23:21, Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 10:12:45PM +0200, Tobias Frost wrote:
> (If you go for experimental, please reopen the RM bug for the binaries
> in sid once it enters the archives)

In the case this goes to experimental the right kind of thing to do is
to completely remove it from unstable (sources included).  This might
seems harsh, but it's really not :)

But I'm not sure what would be the problem of having it on experimental:
if the only problem this thing has is that it misrenders images on some
cards, then I'd say to upload this version to unstable, and block it
there with another RC bug on it, and treat it as a separate bug.  I know
voluntarily introducing a bug is bad, but I'd weight it against *this*
bug, and keeping in mind we're talking about debian *unstable*.

Maintainers, what do you think?
Can you prepare an upload, maybe based on Gianfranco's work?  Or either
say that what he did is "Great And Blessed" and confirm that you're cool
with us uploading it? :)
And tell us what you prefers between uploading the new in experimental
and removing the current one from unstable or uploading this directly to

I am only a beginner in packaging, and I completely trust Mattia, Tobias, 
Andreas and Gianfranco knowledge and experience.

I checked Gianfranco's experimental branch and his work is great! There is few 
build-depend packages that can be removed (and I noticed the problem with the 
pixmaps), but this would be my pleasure to fix that very soon.

I agree that the display bug, although a priority for upstream, should not 
delay any debian cleaning up.

Unfortunately I will not be able to work on the package (not at least for 
another week and a half).

Therefore, I hereby declare that what Gianfranco did is great and blessed! 
Thanks you very much!
If Gianfranco and everyone else is ok with it (I did not have time to check the 
packaging here), it would be great if it can be uploaded directly in unstable.
In the next few weeks, hopefully upstream 4.0.1 will solve the display bug and 
I can polish the packaging.

Thanks you again all for your work, it is amazing how every time there is 
something new to learn!


Emmanuel Promayon, Maitre de conférences
Univ. Grenoble Alpes / Polytech Grenoble
Laboratoire TIMC-IMAG / équipe GMCAO
Tel. +33/0 456 52 00 03

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