On 24/04/16 18:30, Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
On Sun, Apr 24, 2016 at 05:56:00PM +0200, Emmanuel Promayon wrote:
> I checked Gianfranco's experimental branch and his work is great!
> There is few build-depend packages that can be removed (and I noticed
> the problem with the pixmaps), but this would be my pleasure to fix
> that very soon.

If you could fine some minutes to trimmer the build-deps, etc would be

I managed to do some work on polishing the package, and once Gianfranco has agree, I will pull everything to the "experimental" branch.

From there I am not quite sure how to ask for an upload using the "experimental" branch (or should experimental be first merged to master?)

Thanks to Gianfranco tip, I used
gbp buildpackage --git-debian-branch=experimental --git-ignore-new

I used a docker sid image (which might not be the best, but was at hand on my machine)... and the packages were build. All the 441 post-build tests passed as well. I also updated the autopkgtest script, and it should work as well (although I could not run adt-run or puiparts in docker)

Lintian still gives two types of warnings (repeated multiple times):
1) libcamitk4-data: package-contains-timestamped-gzip
For these ones, I think the best is to redo the gzip upstream (and therefore wait for the next upstream to clean this)
2) debug-file-with-no-debug-symbols for all *-dbgsym package
For this one, I am a bit puzzled. I am not sure at all what causes this error. Is it because the package is build using the "--builddirectory" option:
dh $@ --builddirectory=camitk-build
and all the .debug files end up in another (non default) directory?

Note: I tried to use dh $@ with the --parallel option in d/r, but gbp buildpackage seemed oblivious to it.

> I agree that the display bug, although a priority for upstream,
> should not delay any debian cleaning up.

everything started by wanting to remove libpng12.  And then we noticed
in how such a bad state unstable was wrt cruft.
For some reason or the other, camitk is entangled in *all* of them; we
have a pad where we are tracking everything, and camitk is on all the
sections :\

Wooah... No pressure then!
Your explanation has accelerated the process and put this packaging task on top of my urgent task list... Hope this will help remove camitk from the bad books...

> Therefore, I hereby declare that what Gianfranco did is great and
> blessed! Thanks you very much!
> If Gianfranco and everyone else is ok with it (I did not have time to
> check the packaging here), it would be great if it can be uploaded
> directly in unstable.


Great!  One of us will get to it very soon :)
(guess Gianfranco, as he did most/all of the work)

OK. I will wait to Gianfranco agreement before I pull my commits to the experimental branch (I asked him if he was ok with it).

> In the next few weeks, hopefully upstream 4.0.1 will solve the display
> bug and I can polish the packaging.

In the meantime I'll file a RC bug for it, so it'll stay out of testing,
and all the involved parties can notice this version is partially not

Great! Thanks.

> Thanks you again all for your work, it is amazing how every time
> there is something new to learn!

There is still more ;)


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