On Wed, Apr 18, 2007 at 03:10:52PM +0200, Mattias Wadenstein wrote:
>On Wed, 18 Apr 2007, Richard Atterer wrote:
>>On Wed, Apr 18, 2007 at 09:02:07AM +0200, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
>>>Reason: it's much more effective for them when users download an ISO than
>>>when they use jigdo. For example the ftp.fr.debian.org admin explained me
>>>that they were limited by the disk seek and not by the bandwith used by
>>>the users.
>>That's interesting - I hadn't heard of this kind of problem before! :-/
>>Jigdo is really designed for the "no bandwidth" and/or "no disc space"
>>case. But this is not a common opinion among mirror operators, or is it??
>Well, a jigdo-build against our debian mirror will use slightly more 
>bandwidth and much more resources than a iso download. Of course, a jigdo 
>download using another debian mirror would be a big win.

Hmmm. I should really finish off jigdoofus - the fuse-based filesystem
that can build ISO images on the fly from jigdo files and a
mirror. Then people will have the option to choose between disk space
for storing the ISOs and CPU/memory for building them on demand.

If only there were more hours in the day... :-/

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"We're the technical experts.  We were hired so that management could
 ignore our recommendations and tell us how to do our jobs."  -- Mike Andrews

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