Steve Langasek wrote:
>On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 09:13:52PM +0100, Josselin Mouette wrote:
>> So unless the TC wants to remove a great number of packages from the
>> archive, you need to take into account the fact that some voluntary
>> manpower is required to implement your decision.
> I think the current Debian GNOME team has a not-undeserved reputation for
> being obstructionist with respect to bugfixes that require divergence from
> upstream's stated direction.  If the team demonstrated they were open to
> contributions of the kind you described, volunteers to do the work would not
> be hard to come by.

That's an impressively high amount of doublespeak packed into a single
paragraph, particularly the words "bugfixes", "volunteers", and
"contributions".  At a minimum, I think you're overstating the situation
by refusing to acknowledge that the GNOME team does not consider the
changes forced upon them to be "bugfixes".  You (and other members of
the TC) disliked GNOME's requirement of NetworkManager, for reasons I
still have yet to see explained coherently anywhere.  You forced the
GNOME team to remove it.  I certainly hope you find "volunteers" willing
to do that kind of work increasingly hard to come by.

- Josh Triplett

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