>>>>> "Sean" == Sean Whitton <spwhit...@spwhitton.name> writes:

    >> * Who is expected to drive further discussion: the maintainer or
    >> the bug submitter

I guess I don't really see how the above is broad.
But let me try and narrow it.
Is the maintainer expected to find a forum and try to build consensus on
this issue?
In various ways the submitter has argued that those proposing to
continue the transition have an obligation to respond to his concerns.
To what extent is that true under our process?

    >> * What is the state until that further discussion happens?

To narrow this.
>From a process standpoint, to what extent should this bug block the
transition if the maintainer doesn't want it to.

I'm happy to narrow these down, but   my main point is that we together
can save a lot of pain for everyone involved if to the maximum extent we
have consensus on what the process options are, we clarify that as we
close the TC bug.

It maiy not strictly be the TC's job, but I think it's our job as Debian
developers to try and be helpful and save the whole community pain when
we can.

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