On Thu, Apr 26, 2001 at 02:09:51PM +0800, zhaoway wrote:
> upstream issue? I agree that if you're a noname random clueless mere
> user then the package maintainer shouldn't just close this usibility
> bug blindly.
Well, actually I am a noname random clueless mere user. 
But I don't seen, why a bug-report made by a debian-developer should be
treated differently?

Imagine Developer A responsible for a certain package and Developer B
finding an upstream bug. If B reports directly to upstream, the bug
won't show up in the buglist of the debian-package. Two days later I find
the same bug and will open it in the Bugtracking-System. Developer A will
report it upstream now, so upstream will get two bug-reports. Personally
I see no advantage of upstream getting two reports for one bug instead
of one. For me it would have been better, if Developer B had reported it
to the debian bugtracking system instead of reporting it to upstream,
since the upstream-bug is clearly a debian-bug too.

And now Developer A decides "It's not my fault" and closes the bug. A
week later, someone else hits the same bug, looks at the bug-tracking
system, checks that he has the most recent package and finds out that
there is no open bug fitting his problem. So he opens a new one, because
the bug DOES exist. Developer A closes it again. A third user might open
it again. (to be continued)

So IMHO a bug is a bug, no matter who reports it. And if it is closed
without being fixed that's just plain wrong, it just might be reported
again and again. And by being closed and opend again and again, people
reporting the bug will get frustraded.
I know people who say "I reported bugs, spending time invesigating which
package to blame (which is not always clear) and perhaps writing and
sending a patch. The bug-reports and fixes were just ignored, I never
even got an answer why they didn't use my patches or close the bug some
other way. So it was a waste of time and I don't waste my time any
more." Well, they were not talking about debian-bugs, but that is what
is at stake: a developer ignoring bugs might one day find out that
people don't care to give him bug-reports or spend less time giving him
good bug-reports.

But I am just a mere user, so perhaps you should just ignore my posting?

"Never run on auto-pilot" - The Pragmatic Programmer

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