On Sun, Apr 29, 2001 at 03:44:45PM -0500, Steve Langasek wrote:
> Whereas all bugs may be created equal, all bug reports are not.  If an
> upstream developer receives a bug report from a Debian developer with whom she
> has a good working relationship, she's reasonably assured that the bug report
> has been confirmed as a real bug, has been researched, and includes, if not a
> patch, at least an analysis that will help the upstream fix the problem.  I'm
I agree, of course.
But it has been discussed, that an debian developer, finding an upstream
bug should report it directly upstream without bothering the developer
responsible for the package.
My point was (or should have been) that a debian developer should IMHO
report the bug to the debian-package too, exactly like a mere user would.

It helps a mere user when he finds a bug in the bugtracking-system and
the bug is both a debian-bug as a upstream-bug. (And bugs existing
upstream should not be closed in debian).

"Never run on auto-pilot" - The Pragmatic Programmer

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