On Sat, Jan 05, 2002 at 04:43:10PM +0100, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
> * Adam Majer 
> | clear.. For even a novice admin that is... After all, isn't admins
> | or admin-wanna-bees what are installing a new system anyway? IMHO, I
> | don't think that there is anything too cryptic being asked for
> | desktop installation...
> Then you are _very_ wrong.  There are too many and too complicated
> questions asked for a ?normal user?, whatever that is.  You have to be
> interested and/or have somebody help you install Debian, else you will
> give up halfway.

Well, the defaults are usually the correct choice anyway.. Some questions for 
setting up X might be a bit criptic but 
that is X and it would be very difficult to get them more "user friendly".

- Adam

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