Steve Langasek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> There's "how much does disk space cost?", and then there's "we have x
> disk space available currently, and no budget for expansion right now;
> we only use y GB of it; how much can we mirror with the free disk space
> as a service to the community?"

This is why I asked Branden if we could afford a couple more big disks
for Debian.  He said, IIRC, it would take 1% of our money.

> I don't imagine everyone is going to be able to buy additional disks for
> their mirror servers just to accomodate Debian.  

In which case, they should just continue to merror the i386 packages
they have now.  I would certainly agree that if we add such packages,
we should do it in a way that makes it easy to mirror only some.

> I'm pretty sure *no* one's going to add a $5, 5GB HD to their mirror
> server if that's how much Debian pushes them over their current
> capacity.  

I'm sure of it too, since you can't even buy a 5GB disk anymore.

> There are likely to be some trade-offs if Debian takes on
> packages that mirror operators consider "useless bloat".  Then
> again, we seem to have a large number of mirror operators
> well-snowed as it is right now, so maybe a few more GB won't make a
> difference. ;)

Right; if that happens, then those mirrors won't carry those
additional architectures.  No harm done.

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