On Sun, Nov 24, 2002 at 07:45:09PM -0500, Clint Adams wrote:
> > Yeah, it's really a pity that we failed to convert mid-end ethernet cards
> > and mid-end machines into high-end harddisks, and it's so trivial, isn't
> > it?
> I seem to remember at least two occasions where offers of the use of
> machine, rackspace, and bandwidth were turned down.  I think in most
> cases, the machines had hard drives in them, but I could be assuming too
> much.

Well there are several pending offers for decent bandwidth/rackspace but
you need decent machines to put in these spaces. If there are decent
machines that need to get placed (which I don't know to be the case),
then it's a inter-Debian communication issue. If there are people who
have decent machines they'd like to donate, I'm sure we can arrange a
fast home. :)

As I mentioned elsewhere, since Bdale created a hardware donation
delegate, we've rarely turned away even the mid and low-end hardware! I
can't speak for the way they were handled in the past but things have
been going pretty smoothly recently.

I'm working on the mid-end hardware to high-end harddisk conversion
process. Almost there. :)

Benj. Mako Hill                   |   Debian Hardware Donations Manager
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   |   "Project Quartermaster"
http://people.debian.org/~mako/   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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