On Fri, Nov 22, 2002 at 12:05:44PM -0500, Clint Adams wrote:
> > No, it's not. Low end disks are cheap. High end disks still aren't.
> > Bandwidth still isn't.  Especially when you're spending donated
> > resources rather than your own. 
> Odd, then, that Debian has turned down resource donations in the past.

AFAIK, that was logistical issues--everyone who is a position to
coordinate donations was too busy or otherwise unable to do so. This is
precisely the reason why Bdale created a hardware donations delegate this

Since I've been handling hardware donations, I've only turned away a
couple pieces of hardware that were either badly broken or so old that
they were not worth shipping--and I even ran these by people first (IRC
or otherwise) to have my suspicions confirmed.

Disks (including IDE disks) for some of our oldest and most high profile
mirrors is something that we need; I have several pending requests. If
you are in a position to donate them, please don't hesitate to contact


Benj. Mako Hill                   |   Debian Hardware Donations Manager
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   |   "Project Quartermaster"
http://people.debian.org/~mako/   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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