On Tue, 13 May 2003, Martin Quinson wrote:

> On Tue, May 13, 2003 at 09:42:16AM +0200, Fabio Massimo Di Nitto wrote:
> >
> > If you really believe that the apache description should be improved than
> > you file a bug against apache asking to changing layout, proposing the
> > better one so that everyone can be alligned to it.
> If I understand well, you are bored because you think that the layout used
> in french could be good in all languages, but the french translators sort of
> kept it for themselves.

No, I am not bored. People in some msgs wrote that the french layout is
better. I am not against the fact that it can be better. Just use the
right way so that everyone can benefit in a similar way.

> But we didn't do that because we don't think that the french typographical
> rules should be used in all languages, as well as we think that the english
> typographical rules do not apply in French.
> > > We are performing a lot of reviews to ensure that the quality of the
> > > translation is good. 3 translators were agreed to use this translation.
> >
> > We did not, i will repeat this until the end of the world, discuss the
> > quality of the contents. We are discussing the layout.
> No, not exactly. We are not discussing esthetical layout here.

ok, my fault here that i was missing the "esthetical".

> This layout in french is not only esthetical, it must be so because of
> typographical rules[1]. That's why we didn't think that all languages must
> follow the same rules. In written french, the typographical rules have
> almost the same impact than gramatical ones.
> But feel free to adapt this new layout to the original text if you want
> to. Only, don't try to prevent us to follow the rules in our language.

I don't want to prevent you to use your language like i wouldn't like the
otherw ay around. Is there any way to be closer to the original esthetical

feel free to submit a bug report to change it globally ;)


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