Colin Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> However, I wasn't aware of any of the pre-plans Kalle refers to. I
> didn't think anyone had actually picked up this ball yet.

"Pre-plans" in this case means that two people (one DD and one NM) have
been talking about it "seriously." So, if you want to shoot the idea
down, go ahead, no harm done :) And if someone else is thinking about
picking up the ball, go ahead, the pre-planners are probably willing
to join any other initiative as well.

* Zathras is used to being beast of burden to other peoples' needs. Very  *
* sad life. Probably have very sad death, but at least there is symmetry. *
*                      (Babylon 5, War Without End)                       *
*           PGP public key available @           *

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