On Wed, 2003-05-14 at 09:14, Theodore Ts'o wrote:

> I've solved the problem for myself by just simply biting the bullet
> and using unstable.  I either have gotten lucky, or maintainers of
> core packages have gotten much more careful about testing their
> packages before uploading, so I haven't gotten screwed by updates as
> often as I did before. 

I think the latter is generally the case.  People who upload broken
stuff to unstable get berated pretty heavily.

> So here are my questions.  Is the "testing-x86 distribution" a crazy
> idea?  How hard would it be to implement it? 

Actually adding a distribution is pretty easy.  All it really needs is
Packages and Sources files for the most part, which are very small
relative to the archive size.

The only negative consequence I can think of is that the real testing
would probably get less, well, testing.

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