On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 01:27:12PM -0400, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> This is an excellent point.  Testing users do not expect updates from
> securit.debian.org, so there is no reason that they need to be kept there.

Not putting them there, means not taking advantage of the buildds
that automatically build uploads to the security archive, the nice,
memorable, domain name, or any of the mirrors of debian-security. That's
not "no reason".

> This is a related, more general issue, of how to minimize the blockage
> introduced by package dependencies.  I think this problem is much more
> worthwhile to address than security updates targeted at 'testing'.

You're wrong: blockages can never be cleared quickly enough to make for
timely security fixes. For security fixes, "timely" is "same day"; for
testing, "timely" is "a couple of weeks".


Anthony Towns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
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