On Friday 20 June 2003 15:40, Josip Rodin wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 20, 2003 at 02:25:52PM +0200, Adam Borowski wrote:
> > As i686 is already like ten(?) years old,
> I was intrigued by this statement and went to look it up.
> CPU:          Released:
> -------------------------
> 80386         1985
> 80486         1989
> Pentium               1993
> Pentium Pro   1995
> > I would say 99.9% [1] machines that run sarge are 686 and higher
> >
> > [1] 90% of statistics are made up on the spot.
> Right. I can't say I have many <i686 machines, but I can certainly think of
> at least one i586 and one i486 that I'd like to be able upgrade to 3.1 when
> it comes out.
I think there are a few more <i686 than you think. The AMD K6 processors 
doesnt support all the i686 instructions. I still have a K6-2 300 based 
server, and it's pleanty fast. But more specialized libraries for i686 would 
be a welcomed thing, both the scheduling and additional instructions can give 
_significant_ speed-ups for many applications.


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