On Fri, Jun 20, 2003 at 02:25:52PM +0200, Adam Borowski wrote:
> What about perusing the INT 6 idea, and going all the way up to i686?
> As i686 is already like ten(?) years old, I would say 99.9% [1] machines 
> that run sarge are 686 and higher -- thus, moving to i686-specific 
> optimizations would be good for the vast majority of users (this comes 
> from someone who set up two servers on P MMX two weeks ago :p)

I have *numerous* i586 machines installed at work.  Not everyone can afford
to upgrade for no good reason.  Our i586 makes a perfectly good and reliable
firewall (thanks to the Debian shorewall package).  We have another one
running a few dial-in lines for our traveling employees.  There are others
at various times doing specific tasks.  An i586 works fine for these, even
100MHz or lower, and I think removing support for it would be a fairly silly

As I say this, I'm sure people can say the same about i486 and even i386
machines.  Why exactly do we need to remove this support?

While we're at it: not everyone reading e-mail has a network
connection at the same time.  I can't see what those URLs are pointing to,
and it would be a lot better to post at least a summary in the e-mail.

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