OK, let me see if I can address all the comments I've received so far.

1. Description too long.
OK, I will change it to a shorter one, once I work out how to do that
with an ITP.

2. Various questions along the line of "What does email do that a
certain shell sequence doesn't".

This from Upstream:
A) Email users SMTP or Sendmail.  (Main purpose!)
B) Email handles the GPG interaction.  Meaning you can use email from a
cron job and as long as you have your pass in the email.conf file, you
won't have to type it in when gpg asks for it.  You'd have to come up
with a pretty wicked shell script otherwise.
C) Email handles signature files 
D) Email handles an address book.
E) Email does binary attachments and uses MIME (mime types, base64
encoding) to "attach" and send them with the message.  You can't do this
by doing what is described above.  You can UUEncode it, but A LOT of
mail clients don't support UUEncoding anymore.  Plus, you can attach
multiple binary files with email, not just one UUEncoded file.  For
        uuencode file.bin | gpg --clearsign | mail ....

First of all, it's only one file.  Second of all, it's using a
--clearsign and not the way email does it.  I believe it was you who
suggested email sign/encrypt messages such as Ximian and Outlook does. 
This is the way the majority of modern mail reader clients view such
data.  So in short:

The command line way you are suggesting violates modern RFC compliant
mail reader clients.  However, email follows RFC's 821, 2015 (PGP
Encryption), 2045, and soon 2554.

3. Change the name from email to something else. 
Upstream does not want to do this, as the name has been in use since
2001, with an established user base. Apparently (for what it is worth)
it has been used in Slackware with this name.
Also, I myself first came accross it precisly by doing a search on
google using the word email (I forget exatly how, something like
"command line email" I think).
Finally, as Upstream reasons, it does actually describe what it does.
Remembering the meaning of the verb, "to email", email does precisely
that: send email.


Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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