On Thu, Aug 07, 2003 at 09:30:35AM +0200, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
> > 
> > Someone should point NMs to difficulty of entering the development
> > mainstream of FreeBSD or becoming maintainer for the kernel... 
> > IMO it's generally too easy entering in Debian.
> You can get access to the gcc cvs simply by showing your ability to
> work on gcc within a few month. The time it takes to get access
> depends on the amount and quality of your work (and paying 1 Euro for
> some stickers while signing over your copyright to the FSF).

Right. The same for me to enter debian. And u can have access to 
some debian cvs repositories without being a DD at all.

The key is 'the amount and quality of your work'. 
This is relative to the point of view of people who grant accesses.
Someone has that low, some other higher. Who is right? None can say.
When someone will find a quantitive and universal method to measure that,
we should solve all problems. All the rest is gossip and flaming.

Francesco P. Lovergine

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