On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 05:29:54PM +0300, Halil Demirezen wrote:
> Debian Maintainers are becoming too elite. However, outside world becoming
> more excluded. And Debian finally is becoming so obsolete.

Everybody has an opinion on this matter.  I don't usually even bother
posting mine, but here goes anyway....

Your conclusion that long DAM wait times leads to slow releases has
little or no basis in fact.  You do not need to have completed the NM
process to contribute to Debian.  In fact, I believe the whole DAM
process would be more effective if we *required* that you made
non-trivial contributions to Debian *before* the DAM would create an
account for you.

Additionally (strictly my opinion here, others will undoubtedly
disagree), I believe that Debian's long release times are caused by it
being too big, rather than not big enough.  Too many developers, too
many packages, too many architectures, all that.  There are signs that
others feel the same way (e.g. the number of people who complain every
time somebody submits an ITP for yet another web based image gallery or
something like that seems to be going up).

So, if you want to see Debian release sooner, go fix some RC bugs.  You
don't need to have completed the NM process to do that, and doing that
might actually help you get through the NM process quicker.


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