Nicolas Bertolissio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Le jeudi  7 août 2003, Jamin W. Collins écrit :
> [...]
> > Are you saying that you do not want, and would not welcome,
> > feedback on your application?
> No,
> > I'm not asking whether you would clamor
> > for updates, but whether receiving them would be a problem for you?
> No, but I don't need any, I just have to wait, as written on the web
> page...

As said before but you might have overread it.

Last time I waited I suddenly got told by a new AM that I would have
to start over due to my info getting lost somewhere and my old AM
going MIA.

A little bit of information from the DAM saying that he still waits for
input from my AM would have been helpfull. But no, I was sitting in
"Waiting for DAM approval" without any idea that I should have been
kicking my AM to finish his job.


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