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On 2003-08-20 12:36, Isaac To wrote:
> >>>>> "cobaco" == cobaco  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Why KDE cannot be used on servers (how about a X terminal server?  You
> don't have to set it up?)
not what I meant: off course it can be used on a server, so can the gimp, this 
doesn't make the gimp server software does it? All I'm saying is that KDE, 
when installed on a server is not a mission-critical piece of software. 
Besides major bugs would've been filtered out by the kde release proces, and 
minor bugs would not interfere with functioning of a server.

> and why on stable you do not expect a stable KDE?  
kde 3.2. will be the stable kde release come 8 december

>What I perceived: if you want an updated KDE, go run testing or
> unstable.  If many people like a really updated KDE, one of them should act
> up and package a CVS version in experimental.
unless I'm completely mistaken the kde packagers commit there directly in kde 

>  I really don't see the point to let in really new packages that we don't > 
> know whether other packages are
> broken by it.  
last couple of kde releases there have been deb packages available for testing 
with the kde release candidates, which were used rather extensively, assuming 
this continues for kde 3.2 these packages would be tested

>And I don't mind Debian stable being marked as "always
> having an outdated KDE".  It is supposed to work that way.
While I agree it wouldn't be the end of the world, and it has certainly been 
that way sofar, I most definately do _NOT_ agree that "it is supposed to work 
that way". Stable having outdated software is an (undesired) side-effect from 
keeping the stable release stable.  If we can have up-to-date software that 
is also reasonably stable (again this is end-user software, not 
server-software) this is better no? 

- -- 
Cheers, cobaco

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