On Wed, Aug 20, 2003 at 12:11:20PM +0200, cobaco wrote:
> Note that the RM was talking about servers there, while kde is end-user 
> software, big difference IMHO. Taking into account that kde isn't 
> server-software and that kde won't do release if there are major bugs left I 
> don't think stability should be a problem in this case.

That is both delusional and flat-out wrong.

While I have been a happy KDE user for some time, I'll be the first to tell
you that it has problems.  For instance, Konqueror is almost completely
unusable on Alpha because it frequently dies with SIGFPE and draws little
black boxes instead of text on a number of webpages.

That is not a bash against KDE; they probably do not have a large number of
Alpha testers.

Also, I find your argument that breaking desktops is somehow better than
breaking servers to be rather naive.  While the effects of breaking servers
can likely be felt farther, tne pain of breaking desktops is no less when
you consider how many more desktops we're talking about here.

-- John

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